

By Robyn Keet

Welcome to Owners! We're here to be your compass in the dynamic creator economy. Whether you're just starting out or looking to grow, our content is crafted to provide actionable insights and practical guidance tailored for you

graphs of performance analytics on a laptop screen

The five stages of being a creator

Hello Reader, Where are you on your Creative journey? In a recent article Jay Clouse recently broke down the 5 stages of being a Creator. Spoiler alert: Many people never make it past the first or second stage, but if you want to build a comfortable living as a creator, you'll likely need to reach stage four. In this stage, you turn pro and start making money from your content.The five stages are consideration, finding fit, finding traction, going pro, and scaling. Let's explore each stage's...
11 months ago • 1 min read

No hacks, just habits!

Hey Reader, Last year, I stumbled upon a book that transformed my perspective on building a business consistently. Its profound impact on me motivated me to create a 21-day challenge based on the principles I learned from it. And which book was it? James Clear's Atomic Habits. I initially listened to the audiobook and then purchased the Kindle version, it is that good. Admission - I'm currently on my 31st reread. While the title suggests that the book is solely about habits, what truly...
15 days ago • 1 min read

Working on, not in.

Hi there Creator 👋🏻 We hear this phrase a lot in the entrepreneurial space - work on your business, not just in it. So what does that mean? Simply put, working in your business is making sure that the basic functions of the business are up to date. It's the day-to-day responsibility of making sure your business runs smoothly. It's the operational activities of running your business; think of the value chain of delivering your products and services to your customers. Activities like sales,...
28 days ago • 1 min read

How to say no to opportunities without missing out?

Hi Reader 🤓, Ever feel like opportunities are just pouring in from every direction? New clients, exciting projects, fresh collaborations... It's like a feast with too many delicious options! Which one do you start with first? But whoa there! Hold your horses. Every 'yes' you utter is a silent 'no' to something else. Intriguing, isn't it? Enter the game changer - 'Opportunity Cost'. It's not just a fancy term, but a powerful tool to assess the value of the road not taken when you're busy...
7 months ago • 1 min read

2 easy ways to boost your revenue

Hey Reader👋🏻, Are you looking for easy to implement but realistic methods of increasing your income? Well, let’s chat about three effective ways that work like a charm for just about any business: So the obvious move is getting more customers through your door – more people, more earnings. Be careful to not build this strategy based on you always being available. What if you’re itching for a vacation without your revenue taking a hit? That’s where some savvy strategies come into play. Now,...
8 months ago • 1 min read

Unleash Your Creativity For Business Growth

Hey Reader,Think of creativity as your favorite playlist. Every song is a rhythmic blend of different notes, just like your creative ideas are a blend of your experiences. Mixing up the genres can lead to discovering a new favorite tune. Venturing outside of your comfort zone could be the missing note to your creative symphony. From trying a new cuisine to learning a new instrument, these 'songs' can inspire a whole new set of ideas. In the wise words of Dr. Seuss, 'Think left and think right...
9 months ago • 1 min read
person catching light bulb

It's not what it seems - Perspective matters!

Hey Reader👋🏻 Have you ever experienced that "Aha!" moment when an idea sparks in your mind? That moment of realization when you see the potential of your business and feel a surge of excitement? Starting a business is a beautiful adventure of closing a gap in the market, answering a key issue in the lives of our customers, and most importantly, expressing our creativity. But it does come with some challenges. When you are an employee, you have a specific role and skills required to fulfill...
10 months ago • 1 min read
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How To Create Business Growth Habits That Won't Suck The Life Out Of You

Hello Reader👋🏻, I know you’re a creative person. You love coming up with new ideas and bringing them to life. But I also know that you struggle with the other side of the business. I get it. Admin can be boring and time-consuming. And it can be hard to find the motivation to do it when you’d rather be creating. But here’s the thing: Admin is essential for business growth. Without it, you’ll be stuck in the mud. You won’t be able to track your progress, measure your results and revenue, or...
10 months ago • 2 min read
person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

The truth about manipulative marketing

Hey Reader, Is Your Marketing Manipulative? It's so easy to be caught up in the latest marketing fad that is sweeping the internet that we forget the importance of intentional and ethical marketing. We try this and do that to gain an increase in followers and fans but we neglect the long-term impact of our flip-flop behavior - the erosion of trust. So how do you avoid manipulative marketing? Here are a few tips: Focus on telling stories. Stories are a powerful way to connect with your...
10 months ago • 1 min read
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How to ask for Feedback without feeling like a fool!

Hey Reader👋🏻, Are you afraid to ask for feedback because you're worried about looking foolish? You're not alone. But here's the truth: Feedback is essential for growth. And it's not as scary as you think. Feedback is an essential part of any creative process. It helps us to identify our strengths and weaknesses, and to improve our work over time. But not all feedback is created equal. In order to be truly effective, feedback needs to be specific, timely, and actionable. Here are some tips for...
11 months ago • 1 min read

Welcome to Owners! We're here to be your compass in the dynamic creator economy. Whether you're just starting out or looking to grow, our content is crafted to provide actionable insights and practical guidance tailored for you

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