

The truth about manipulative marketing

Published 10 months ago • 1 min read

Hey Reader,

Is Your Marketing Manipulative?

It's so easy to be caught up in the latest marketing fad that is sweeping the internet that we forget the importance of intentional and ethical marketing. We try this and do that to gain an increase in followers and fans but we neglect the long-term impact of our flip-flop behavior - the erosion of trust.

So how do you avoid manipulative marketing? Here are a few tips:

  • Focus on telling stories. Stories are a powerful way to connect with your customers and build trust. Tell real stories regardless of how messy they might be.
  • Focus on the facts. Provide accurate information about your products or services.
  • Be authentic. Be yourself and let your personality shine through.

I love this mantra from a recent Marie TV episode "Facts tell, Stories sell"?

Facts and stories can work together to create a powerful marketing message. As soon as your customer's interest level changes from "uninterested" to "in the market for a solution," you can position yourself accordingly.

  • Give enough information to engage their trigger event. What is the problem that they are trying to solve? What are their pain points? What are they looking for in a solution?
  • Answer the question, "Will this help me do X?" What are the benefits of your product or service? How will it help your customer solve their problem?
  • Engage them with stories. Tell stories about how your product or service has helped other customers. Show them how your product or service can make their lives better.

Here is an example of how you could use this strategy:

  • Trigger event: A customer is frustrated with their current email marketing software. They are tired of the constant crashes and the lack of features.
  • Question: Will this help me do X? The customer is looking for a new email marketing software that is reliable, easy to use and has all the features they need.
  • Story: You could tell a story about a customer who was just like yours. They were frustrated with their current email marketing software, but then they found your product. Your product solved all of their problems, and they were able to start sending out beautiful, effective emails without any hassles

When you focus on the facts, you're giving your customers the information they need to make an informed decision. And when you tell stories, you're connecting with them on an emotional level.

So don't resort to easy quick manipulative marketing trends. Just focus on telling stories, focusing on the facts, and being authentic. With these three things, you'll be well on your way to grow your business organically.

Warm African greetings


Whenever you're ready, there are two ways I can help you:

To find clarity in the work you offer the world |To grow your income with small habits and big plans.


By Robyn Keet

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